Tuesday 16 December 2008


I have moved 2 http://theofficalmohawkz.blogspot.com/ because that is my bands blog

About Mace

me and my dog

fave band: the shins
inspiration: the shins
favorite genres of music: alternative/punk
a word of inspiration: sing

The Mohawkz Members

Lou - drums and band creator

Mace - lead vocals and bass

E - lead guitar

Monday 3 November 2008

not another shins v

The Shins: Another Great Video


the shins r amazing i am hooked on this band. they have 2 home towns Poland and USA

The Shins: one of the most understated, underrated and important, actually-popular pop acts of our time. Over one million record sales worldwide; worshipped by almost anyone who comes into contact with their enriching, deeply emotive and complex, beautiful pop songs. People love this band – there’s no feasible explanation, except that it's pop the way it used to be. When you *could* convey emotion in fragile, delicate intricacy, or pulsing, quirky rhythms and hooks, or sublime, melting harmonies, and not lose any of the following: melody, charm, infectiousness, life-changing moments of pure joy.


Games at Miniclip.com - Canyon Defense
Canyon Defense

Build an ideal defense system and save the inhabitants.

Play this free game now!!

Wednesday 27 February 2008


I know this is not the game I said, but I am hooked on Dragonfable. It is run by the people that have one of the largest RPG games in the world her is an photo to show you an example. But no matter what time it is, if it is 5 years before adventure quest (the largest game) or MechQuest 4000 years before AdventureQuest, they alway find some crazy way of fitting it in.
You can also unlock the power to own a dragon. Here is a youtube video to show you what I mean.

ps please check out my mom's blog too. she not only edits my blog, but writes the "best" design blog.

Tuesday 26 February 2008


Sorry for the delay! I have forgotten about my blog lately and just remembered when my mom checked the stat counter for her blog All the Best.

I promise I will get back to blogging very soon and will start with the MaidMarian game. Just need to get the internet working in my room again. Bye for now!